Monday, March 1, 2010

February Journal

February came and went without much innovative participation on my part, due mainly to the circumstance that the Spring semester is now proceeding apace, and my graduate seminar in historiography is marching double-time along with it. Insane demands are made upon my time; unfroward restrictions are placed upon my choice of reading matter; inadmissible restrictions have been imposed on my failed social life.

Shall we of servitude complain? We certainly shall, but perhaps more appropriately later on when my seminar paper becomes due. Otherwise I have accomplished nothing this month, unless you count the four terraria I constructed out of some goldfish bowls obtained from the Goodwill, a bag of peat moss, and a bunch of mosses and lichens purchased from a lady in Georgia who sells recherché botanica of this sort on eBay.

I have also had a good time writing Plainfeather’s Blog, which to my total astonishment received over 1100 hits this month, up 100 per cent over January. At this point I know I am supposed to bleat out THANK YOU! the way they do on National Public Television, but I fear my sudden popularity may be a statistical anomaly, since at this time of year there’s little else to do in San Francisco except read people’s blogs.

Books read this month included: C. Brown: Postmodernism for Historians; J E Philips, ed.: Writing African History; D Lowenthal: The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History; E Fuchs et al eds.: Across Cultural Borders: Historiography in Global Perspective; J Lopez, ed.: After Postmodernism; B Dahlen: Out of Third: M Chernoff and P Hoover: Selected Poems of F Holderlin; L Hickman: Tiresias.

Oh and merci beaucoup to NBC for bringing the Winter Olympics on tv this month in defiance of the ESBN hegemony.

1 comment:

  1. Now, now, you underestimate yourself. The blog is fun and well written which is more unusual in the blogging world that you may realize. I am not surprised that school is eating up your time. I think about that a lot as I trudge (oh the duty! oh the hard work) to the latest museum or gallery opening and thank the gods and goddesses that I am not studying for a test or writing a paper.
    But one day, le bon temps rollez and we shall have pie! After mid-terms? maybe and certainly after my visit to Le Mommy Dearest next week. She could give Lovecraft a few lessons in home-grown horror.
